Scientific symposium
"Antimicrobial resistance: a challenge for public health, animal health and the environment"
June, 25th, 2024, 9 am - 12 am
Pacheco Center - Avenue Pacheco 13 – 1000 Brussels and via webinar
We are excited to invite you to the upcoming second edition of our yearly scientific symposium on antimicrobial use and resistance in animals and the impact on public health, animal health, and the environment.
This symposium aims to gather scientists from Belgium and abroad to present their recent results related to antimicrobial use and resistance.
Re-watch the webinar here!
Part I:
- Welcome words by Prof. Dominiek Maes (Ghent University and chair of AMCRA)
- Keynote presentation by Dr. Jean-Yves Madec (ANSES, France): How to monitor AMR in diseased animals ? The example of the French Resapath network
- First session chaired by Prof. Dominiek Maes (Ghent University and chair of AMCRA)
- Pulmonary Aspergillosis in Humboldt Penguins—Susceptibility patterns and molecular epidemiology of clinical and environmental Aspergillus fumigatus isolates from a Belgian zoo, 2017–2022 (Hanne Debergh, Sciensano)
- Stability and lytic activity assessment in milk of bacteriophages targeting Escherichia colicausing bovine mastitis (Jacob Diderich, University of Liège)
Part II:
- Second session chaired by Prof Damien Thiry (University of Liège)
- Exploring determinants of antibiotic prescription behavior among Belgian veterinarians: insights and implications for responsible antibiotic use (Zoë De Mol, Ghent University)
- Udder Health Management and Antibiotic Reduction in Dairy Farming: Introducing Novel Monitoring Tools (Pauline Delhez, RumeXpert)
- In vivo testing of the NeoGiANT extract-based formulations in poultry (Tommy van Limbergen, Anitom BV)
Find here the abstract book of the scientific symposium
Posters with selected scientific communications will be displayed on site.
9h30 Welcome words by Prof. Dominiek Maes (Ghent University and chair of AMCRA)
9h35 Keynote presentation by Dr. Jean-Yves Madec (ANSES, France): How to monitor AMR in diseased animals ? The example of the French Resapath network
10h00 First session chaired by Prof. Dominiek Maes (Ghent University and chair of AMCRA)
10h05 Pulmonary Aspergillosis in Humboldt Penguins—Susceptibility patterns and molecular epidemiology of clinical and environmental Aspergillus fumigatus isolates from a Belgian zoo, 2017–2022 (Hanne Debergh, Sciensano)
10h25 Stability and lytic activity assessment in milk of bacteriophages targeting Escherichia colicausing bovine mastitis (Jacob Diderich, University of Liège)
10h45 Coffee pause and poster session
11h15 Second session chaired by Prof Damien Thiry (University of Liège)
11h20 Exploring determinants of antibiotic prescription behavior among Belgian veterinarians: insights and implications for responsible antibiotic use (Zoë De Mol, Ghent University)
11h40 Udder Health Management and Antibiotic Reduction in Dairy Farming: Introducing Novel Monitoring Tools (Pauline Delhez, RumeXpert)
12h00 In vivo testing of the NeoGiANT extract-based formulations in poultry (Tommy van Limbergen, Anitom BV)
12h15 Lunch and poster session